O artigo THE (o,a,os,as) tem seu uso restrito à várias palavras. Abaixo há um pequeno exercício, logo após as respostas. Caso você tenha dúvida em relação a este assunto ou em relação às respostas, entre em contato.
>>Agora é a sua vez... Good Luck!
Complete com THE apenas onde for necessário.
a. Jake is .......... strongest man in this city.
b. .......... sun is shining today!
c. ............ happiness is what everybody wants.
d. We met a Chinese man today, and ............. man told us that he also speaks Japanese.
e. ....... hotel you told me about is near the train station.
f. Every kid loves .......... ice-cream.
g. ........... lion is a wild animal.
h. ........ whales are mammals.
i. I like this car, but look at ........ seats!
Exercise 2
Em que sentenças há erros? Qual a maneira correta de escrevê-las?
a. I don’t like the horror movies.
b. Look at the stars!
c. There are the dark clouds in the sky.
d. The Jenny is my cousin.
e. These are the best muffins I’ve ever had!
f. This is the her jacket.
g. The food is necessary for our survival.
h. Hi, Paul! How are the kids?
i. I found the wallet in my locker today. I have no idea who the owner of the wallet is.
Exercício 1 a. the b. The c.—- d. the e. The f.—- g. The h.—- i. the
Exercício 2 a. I don’t like horror movies. b. correta c. There are dark clouds in the sky. d. Jenny is my cousin. e. correta f. This is her jacket. g. Food is necessary for our survival. h. correta i. I found a wallet in my locker today. I have no idea who the owner of the wallet is.